
The Role of Education and Training in US-Brazil Economic Ties

  The Secretary will reiterate our shared commitment to the abolition of deforestation, the promotion of racial equity, the recognition of workers' rights, and the preservation of international peace. U.S.-Brazil Relations U.S.-Brazil relations are commemorating their bicentennial this year. The United States was among the first countries to acknowledge Brazil in 1824, following Brazil's independence in 1822. The partnership between the United States and Brazil, which are the largest democracies in the Western Hemisphere, is founded on a mutual dedication to sustainable economic growth and prosperity, the promotion of international peace, security, and respect for human rights, the protection of the environment and biodiversity, and robust defense, health, and security cooperation. Economic Relations Between the United States and Brazil Brazil is the eleventh-largest economy in the globe, and the United States is its second-largest trading partner. The two-way trade in product

Climate Change and Food Security: US-Brazil Perspectives

  Introduction The Centro Ecológico’s project is very important to me and to the Guarani communities. Within this project, we’ve managed to strengthen the Guarani people’s culture in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Sul. Through the project, we’re advancing agroforestry across the territory. Communities are getting quite active, as a result of this endeavor. Agroforestry is already a part of the Guarani people’s culture. However, we’re facing a difficult situation because the Guarani people work, but they need support and resources. Through this project, significant progress has been made, even in seeking other partners”- mentioned by Hélio Gimenes (Mbya Guarani Indigenous People) one of the participants of this initiative. In the vast landscape that is home to the great Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, the impacts of climate change are evident just like in many other countries of the world. Lowered crop yields impact local economies and jeopardize food security. In the face of these ch

Financial Services Enhancing US-Brazil Trade Efficiency

  In 2008, The global financial has acrisis situation.  It's caused a big changes in the rules that govern the financial system, how it is watched, and how it interacts with other places, especially other financial markets, and the real economy. Since the crisis, the rules for keeping an eye on and regulating banks have changed. The regulatory system that was mostly microprudential has become more macroprudential. Since then, there has been a need for new tools to keep an eye on and evaluate financial institutions (FIs). As part of a worldwide reaction to the global financial crisis, the BCB made and is still making changes to regulations that are meant to keep the economy stable. As of now, the BCB can check the health and safety of the banking system with the help of new microprudential measures like the Countercyclical Capital Buffer, the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR), and the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR). At the same time, tools have been made for evaluating macroprudential

US-Brazil Trade: Overcoming Barriers to Growth

  Two significant and recent periods in Brazil's economy are effectively illustrated by the fluctuation in commodity prices, such as soy and iron ore. The first period, which spanned from 2003 to 2013, was characterized by economic growth, increased wages and employment rates, and the promotion of government initiatives such as Bolsa Família. Simultaneously, the elevated prices obscured structural issues within the national economy, including inadequate levels of investment and productivity, which in turn permitted further public expenditures. Commodity prices experienced a significant decline during the subsequent period. In an effort to circumvent the issue, the government implemented subsidies for specific sectors of the economy, tax incentives, pricing controls, and additional credit from public banks. However, the strategy was insufficiently effective in promoting development, and it ultimately contributed to a state of uncertainty that discouraged investment and exacerbated t

Food Security Strategies: Lessons from the US and Brazil

  Introduction   According to Población, one of the most significant aspects of Brazil's anti-poverty policy is its emphasis on food access. Access to fresh, healthful food is so crucial in Brazil that the country's leaders have declared it a human right, and it is the Zero Hunger Program's top goal. All public school students receive free school lunches, which Población claims "the United States is struggling to achieve." She feels that the universal school lunch program is the best-run social service in the country, and that it has served as a model for other developing nations. "The government buys from local farmers and puts the carrot or whatever they sell into the school meal," she explains. "It supports the local farmer while also providing nutritious food to the children. It's a really excellent program." She goes on to say that universal school lunches in the United States would help the millions of families that "send their

Risk Management in US-Brazil Trade Finance

  The expansion of Brazilian agribusiness over the past two decades has been significantly influenced by trade finance facilities. Foreign lenders should consider the legal environment in Brazil when assessing, structuring, and closing deals in the country, despite the development of Commodity Finance (CF) and Supply Chain Finance (SCF). It is important to consider these challenges. We have identified four critical strategies that can assist foreign banks, funds, insurers, and investors in mitigating certain relevant risks associated with CF and SCF deals with Brazilian companies, as evidenced by a long history of trade finance transactions that have aided lenders and insurers in both blue skies and distressed scenarios. Strategy 1: Monitor modifications to Brazilian legislation that impact CF and SCF. The finance and tax laws and regulations of Brazil are subject to periodic modification by the authorities. It is essential for foreign lenders to remain informed about legal development

Food Security and Socioeconomic Inequality: A Comparative Study of US and Brazil

  The United Nations (UN) made the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015  They said that by 2030, public policies should be made and put into place that would reduce inequality and improve the health of all people around the world. But in the past few years, many environmental, political, social, and economic problems have made it take longer to reach these goals. For example, SDG 2 aimed to end hunger and make sure everyone had access to safe, healthy, and enough food, ending all kinds of malnutrition.  Instead of going down as planned, hunger has gotten worse around the world. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2021 report says that Latin America and the Caribbean have had many failures in the last six years when it comes to access to food. This has caused the number of hungry people to rise by 2% between 2019 and 2020. Brazil is one of the Latin American countries where hunger is rising the fastest.  In the 2000s, Brazil's government made rules to improve Food an

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